or, lightweight threads and channels for Scala
parallelism: the simultaneous execution on multiple processors of different parts of a program1
concurrency: the ability of different parts of a program to be executed out-of-order or in partial order, without affecting the final outcome2
scalable programs need a good concurrency model
single entry point, sequence of instructions
traditional way to decompose programs for parallel execution
own stack and kernel resources (fairly expensive)
context switches (fairly expensive)
runnable on a physical processor
def mkmeme(imageUrl: String, text: String): Image = {
val layer1: Image = fetchUrl(imageUrl) // network call
val layer2: Image = textToImage(text) // slow
superimpose(layer1, layer2) // need both results
def mkmeme(imageUrl: String, text: String): Image = {
var layer1: Image = null
var layer2: Image = null
thread {
layer1 = fetchUrl(imageUrl)
thread {
layer2 = textToImage(text)
while(layer1 == null || layer2 == null) {
// wait somehow
superimpose(layer1, layer2)
synchronization between threads at some point
rendezvous through memory barriers (CMPXCHG)
logic flow much more complex
threads, blocked and running
threads are a low-level building block, using them efficiently is complex
not available on all platforms (i.e. browser)
def mkmeme(imageUrl: String, text: String): Image = {
val q1 = Queue[Image]
val q2 = Queue[Image]
thread {
thread {
superimpose(q1.take(), q2.take())
many entrypoints
register operation on event
“call back” when event has happened, operation is run
in a sense, a more fundamental construct
def mkmeme(imageUrl: String, text: String,
callback: Image => Unit): Unit = {
var layer1 = null
var layer2 = null
def combine() = callback(superimpose(layer1, layer2))
fetchUrl(imageUrl, img => {
layer1 = img
if (layer2 != null) { //!\\ danger if parallelism > 1
textToImage(text, img => {
layer2 = img
if (layer1 != null) {
can we wrap callbacks in a more functional way?
contains an operation of result type A
transformable with map
and flatMap
when operation is run, future completes with a result (success or failure)
def mkmeme(imageUrl: String, text: String): Future[Image] = {
val layer1: Future[Image] = fetchUrl(imageUrl)
val layer2: Future[Image] = textToImage(text)
for {
l1 <- layer1
l2 <- layer2
} yield {
superimpose(l1, l2)
// ScalaJS, env: browser
def url: Future[String] = {
val promise = Promise[String] // create promise
input.onsubmit(_ => promise.success(input.value))
// single callback at the edge
case Success(site) => webview.value = site
case Failure(error) =>
textbox.value = "oh no!"
textbox.color = red
Who runs a future?
contains graph of callbacks as chunks
chunks are run on a ThreadPool
(limited) group of threads
every thread runs a chunk, when done takes a next chunk
def lookupUser(id: String): Future[Option[User]]
def authorize(user: User, capabilities: Set[Cap]):
def authorizeduser(userId: String): Future[Option[User]] = {
case None => Future.successful(None)
case Some(user) => authorize(user, Set("see_meme"))
composition can be messy3
one-shot; it is not simple to model recurrent events
Can we write a program that looks synchronous (single-threaded), but is split into chunks and run on a thread pool?
yes, with macros!
two constructs:
async(a: => A): Future[A]
// macroawait(f: Future[A]): A
// usable only in awaitinstalls handlers on futures to run a state machine
official project of the Scala Center
see also python async
import scala.concurrent.ExecutionContext.Implicits.global
import scala.async.Async._
// looks like single-threaded code
def mkmeme(imageUrl: String, text: String): Future[Image] =
async {
val layer1 = await(fetchUrl(imageUrl))
val layer2 = await(textToImage(text))
superimpose(layer1, layer2)
futures are one-shot value
queues are general useful construct for scalable programs
as shown previously, traditional thread-based queues block
can we avoid blocking, yet keep the programming model?
project “escale” (fr. stop, as in bus stop)
inspired from Clojure’s core.async library
watch Rich Hickey’s talk about it https://www.infoq.com/presentations/core-async-clojure
go {block}: Future[A]
~ lightweight threadChannel[A]
~ queuech.put(value: A): Future[A]
~ write operationch.take(): Future[A]
~ read operationselect(ch: Channel[_]*)
syntax sugar
form of communicating sequential processes (CSP) [1]
since runtime is abstracted, runs on JVM, JS and Native
import scala.concurrent.ExecutionContext.Implicits.global
import escale.syntax._
val ch = chan[Int]() // create a channel
go {
ch !< 1 // write to channel, "block" if no room
println("wrote 1")
go {
ch !< 2
println("wrote 2")
go {
val r: Int = !<(ch) // read from channel
import escale.syntax._
go {
val Ch1 = chan[Int]() // create a channel
val Ch2 = chan[Int]()
go { Ch1 !< 1 } // write to channel
go { Ch2 !< 1 }
// "await" one and only one value
select(Ch1, Ch2) match {
case (Ch1, value) => "ch1 was first"
case (Ch2, value) => "ch2 was first"
https://github.com/jodersky/escale (soon)
channels take care of buffering and efficient locking operations
put and take return futures (select slightly more complex, but also returns a future)
rely on scala-async to transform future into state machine
provide syntax sugar to hide calls to await
and alias async
channel closing and error handling
deeper integration with scala async
select on puts
buffer policies (drop first, sliding window)
API improvements:
import escale.sytntax._
All problems in computer science can be solved by another level of indirection.
actors and CSP can be considered duals
actors are named, processes are anonymous
message path is anonymous, channels are named
sending messages is fundamentally non-blocking, whereas (unbuffered) channels can serve as rendezvous points
Keep programs simple, it will make it easier for others to understand.
slides: https://jakob.odersky.com/talks
project: https://github.com/jodersky/escale
author: @jodersky
[1] C. A. R. Hoare, “Communicating sequential processes,” Communications of the ACM. 21 (8), pp. 666–667, 1978.